PUBG | Wallhack only
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Product ImagesIDR Price ( buy from discord and open/make ticket )
1 day : 60.000 Rp
7 day : 200.000 Rp
30 day : 400.000 Rp
if u buy from website u must above 10$
Supports only Windows 10, 11;
Supports all modes: Full screen (full screen), borderless (borderless), windowed;
Game clients: Steam, Kakao
Players ESP-displays various information about enemy characters.
Boxes-classic boxes (squares) If the enemy is behind a wall-red, if not - green.
Show Bots-allows you to sign bots, among the characters that vh shows.
Visible - if this feature is enabled, the enemies behind the obstacle and not will be displayed in different colors.
Skeleton - drawing skeletons of enemy characters with or without obstacles.
Distance-displays the distance to the player in meters near their model on the screen.
Weapons-shows which weapon is currently in the hands of a particular enemy.
Health - allows you to see how much hp (health) your opponents have.
HealthTest & HealthBar - mode for displaying enemies ' hp by bar or text.
Cnocked - if this parameter is enabled, then bx will work on knocked-out opponents.
Vehicles - drawing on the transport screen, you can display the distance to objects and their names.
AirDrop-shows the airdrop, you can configure the display of the distance to it and see the items inside in advance.
DeathItems-loot in the crates of killed players. You can configure in detail what to display and what not to display.